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The voice is an instrument and as such it is important that each individual avail himself or herself of the opportunity to learn how to use their instrument.  While each Choir class will devote time to vocal development, it is highly recommended that singers study privately either through the BHS Private Lesson Program or with other teachers in Houston.


The object of the voice lesson is for students to learn good vocal technique and how their individual voice functions.  Students will build a repertoire that includes art songs, arias, and some musical theater or vocal jazz.  Students will also study the All-State Choir repertoire, prepare for UIL Solo & Ensemble, and explore various composers and styles appropriate for the individual.  In order for the student to be successful, it is crucial that he or she practice between lessons.


All voice teachers who teach on campus are contracted by BHS Choir.  Students pay choir directors directly. The fee is $20.00 per half hour.

  • Lessons are paid for in advance monthly and payment is due at the 1st of the month ($60.00 per month = 3 lessons per month). 

  • Click this link for Voice Lesson Overview & Enrollment form

  • Click this link to pay online.

Each teacher will provide the students of the requirements of their studio regarding learning and preparation of music. The BHS voice teachers will teach in the Choir Practice Rooms. All voice lesson payments will be logged on CHARMS.


Students desiring private lessons instruction must complete a student application for enrollment, available from the choir director, and return it to the choir director.  A deposit of one month of lessons will be required which shall be given to the choir director before the first lesson is given. Any "overpayments" will go toward May lessons or be refunded.


Lessons will be taught during the school day while in choir. Students will be assigned lesson days by the voice instructor.  It is the student’s responsibility to check the voice lesson schedule and plan accordingly. Some students may choose to take lessons after school, during lunch or during an off period. Please communicate schedules to voice teacher.


  • It is important that the student/parent obtain all contact information from the instructor (phone, email, etc.) in the event a lesson must be missed. 

    • Unexcused absences from voices lessons will be charged the full lesson price.

    • 24 hour notice of absences is required. Notification must be made to the voice lesson teacher not choir director.  If less than 24 hour notice is given the student will be charged full price for the lesson.

    • Lessons will be rescheduled at the discretion of the voice teacher.

    • No refunds can be made for missed or unused voice lessons.

    • Voice teachers reserve the right to discontinue lessons at any time at their discretion.


If fees have not been paid by the second lesson of the month, the remaining lessons for that month may be forfeited, but payment for the entire month is still due. Students who continually pay late may become ineligible for private lessons and replaced with someone on the waiting list.


Enrollment in the voice lesson program is intended to be a full-year commitment by both parent (finances) and student (practice time). If a student absolutely must discontinue lessons, they must discuss it with their voice teacher and give a two-week notice to their voice teacher. Completion of an application to participate in the private voice lesson program confirms an understanding of, and agreement with, the aforementioned guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your student’s private voice teacher or choir director.

© 2022 Bellaire High School Choirs

5100 Maple Street, Bellaire, TX 77401

713-295-3704 ex. 2245

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